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Cases Fadelito

Fadelito: Fostering the growth of Brazil’s largest nursery and early childhood education chain

/ Communication

O desafio

As the largest Brazilian pre-school and nursery chain, Fadelito has a methodology based on socio-educational pedagogy. When arriving at Martin Luz, Fadelito's marketing team had the challenge of adapting to the pandemic scenario, while maintaining the parents' confidence in the safety that the entire chain provided. Not only did we achieve this goal, but after the resumption of face-to-face activities, the company went on to a new goal: to open new units through franchisees.

Consequently, Martin Luz needed to integrate the points of contact to establish a solid narrative, involving stakeholders with a strategy based on the geolocation of units and potential customers in strategic points.

Creation + Connection = Conversion.

The communication strategy was well succeeded and the expansion happened!

O método

In a 360º communication integrated with Fadelito's Marcomms team, Martin Luz developed campaigns for qualified leads, making children the protagonists of the narrative with a fluid, simple and objective communication, present in the development and creation of campaigns, landing pages, institutional materials of the school, movies and jingles, as well as applying geolocalized actions for each of the 21 units and following the performance of KPI's and ROI.

Branding tactics were also established to maintain brand consistency across different units during a post-pandemic scenario, generating not only a connection with the children's guardians and increasing Fadelito's conversion, but also enabling 9 units to be opened in just 12 months.

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